To Stay 13.
To Stay 13
Kyran Cortizo is one of the two main characters of To Stay 13. He's a highly kind-hearted boy, a determined basketball player, and a sensitive yet cheeky heart.
Aurora Dior is the other main character of To Stay 13; she's a major music lover, a romantic poet and hopelessly clueless about all things reality.
Finlay West is Kyran's best friend; he's a major thrill seeker, loves playing basketball with Kyran and doesn't have a single bone of hate in his body for anyone other than Aurora.
Celia Steele is, like Finlay, Aurora's best friend. She, too, enjoys the carefree lifestyle. However, her input to the story of Kyran and Aurora's story is anything but.
It’s as though he is surrounded by a thick and cruel dark sky, completely gone from the thoughts inside his head. People are talking to him, laughing with him, but he is not paying attention; the stars of the night are like reminders that she is here, and they may talk. It’s a harsh and…